This Creature may look like two, however is a single entity with one mind, its eyes protrude to give sight for opposite directions. It places its food in the center area between its two torso, and has evolved its arms to naturally process and handle food effieciently.
Habitat: Vokalgoks need plenty of room to move, they are quick on their feet, so are creatures of play.
Feature: The love to dance and have evolved to appear as though it is two creatures in a perpetural dance.
A creature evolved from ants, so lives in mass communities with hardly ever any privacy. the 'spikes' (on the shoulder of each leg) are primarily shells that protect its joints.
Habitat: Mainly hallways and tight compartments that encompass many families. The habitat needs to be very dark as this create is nocturnal and hardly ever goes out into the day. It builds its colonies partly below ground so its housing contains many layers unseen from the surface.
Features: Antennea, Insect sticky feet, multiple eyes for increased reaction and perception gain.
This creature has ancient relatives going back to the dinosaur age. It is an extremely territorial creature that defends itself with its huge spikes and face spike. Any creature knows to well not to mess with a Galopda as it can ram its foe with a powerful charge.
Habitat: Mainly resembles a stable and running area. The food is stored in large containers that are attached to the stable protecting it from theft while it is galoping around the running area.
Features: Powerful hand grip. Grabs its prey and smashes its chin spike into the preys face killing it immediately on critical impact.
Adult colots are half the size of a human but consume twice as much as they have high metabolism. The creature needs a cooloer enviroment becasue of this. They are friendly creatures that love to keep active and mingle with their fellow colots.
Habitat: Housing and buildings are generally deep into the ground as it is cooler the farther down they are. Entrances are seen on the surface scattered everywhere and real estate is far less expensive as housing can stack. It is interesting that the lower they are the more expensive the dwelling is.
Features: Large eyes for night vision, exceptional hearing, enhanced sence of kinetic movement thanks to its feathers above its ears - mainly a feature to attact the oppostite gender.
An evolved species that live quite complex lives. Nocturnal creatures but primarily operate in the day light hours, though this them to reside in darks areas from time to time.
Habitat: Domesticated housing as they live much the same as humans do. They need compartmetns for rejuvenation and relaxation during the day, but work hard none the less. They fly so built in take off areas assit the Anth leaving home for a days work.
Features: Sticky feet, wings, mouth claws to crush their favourite food.